Mystery of the three toed footprints

3 Toed Cryptid Footprints3-Toed Footprints: Eerie Encounters and Cryptid Theories3 Toed Cryptid Footprints

What Cryptid Makes a Three Toed Footprint?

One of my earliest paranormal type experiences was finding very distinct 3 toed footprints in the soft dirt as a child.

To give you some back story, I grew up on ~640 acres in North Idaho. I wandered the woods and roads through it all the time and was used to all the normal footprints, creatures, and so on.

cast three toed footprint
Cast of a 3 toed footprint

But one day on my travel between the houses that were about a mile apart, I found in the middle of the road in the soft dirt between the tire tracks a perfectly stamped three toed footprint.  The outline was clean and smooth, each toe came to a sharp point and the heel was perfectly rounded.  The whole of it was ~10 inches long.  In short, it was nothing like I had ever seen, and I was unable to find any more of them in the area.

If I had been anywhere else, I would have assumed someone was messing with me, but out there, there was no one to do it, and no one would have known that I would walk by that exact spot.

A few months later I found a second print with the same exact shape, but smaller in the mud of the driveway near the house.  Again, I could only find one, seemingly as if someone had dropped down, set one foot on the ground and left again.

To this date I have found no reports of anything Exactly like it.  A few pictures have come close, but nothing has been an exact match to what I saw.

3 toed footprint
A smaller but similar three-toed footprint to the ones I have seen.

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More Reports Of Three-Toed Footprints

After going through the comments, there are some that really need to be seen.  It looks like more people are seeing three-toed footprints than you would suspect.

Chris – Sandia Mountains

I seen a three toed paw print but it was more like a dog paw print than anything else back in 2011 up in the Sandia mountains in New Mexico that was a day after my friends two small dogs vanished

John – Location Undisclosed

We had something in our backyard 2 days ago that ran after hitting a metal wagon, it made sounds similar to what ancient dinosaurs, Raptors, would have made. It left 4 prints in the yard that were three toes and had a fairly small heel. The stride was around 4′ long and it appeared to have an arch or was moving fast, two of us heard it.

Strange Footprints in Petaluma

Mysterious 3-toed footprints found in California

So I’m out there walking on a March afternoon, taking in long views across waves of green rolling hills in western Petaluma, when I glance down at the trail and see it: fresh prints of a three-toed creature. with three long claws. I see one print, and then another, and then a chain of them lining the dirt path I’m following, never veering from it to the grass at either side of the path, and I don’t stray either, but I do avoid marring their perfect strangeness. The earth is soft, and their impression is as clear as a handprint in sand. What in the world was here before me?

Photo Courtesy of: Treasures Of The Day

3-Toed Footprints In The Snow

Cris – West Virginia
Two years ago, just a month after becoming the only one living up on the mountain of our family farm in eastern West Virgina, I was hiking down the road after s snow and found what looked like a human footprint in the snow.

Only it had 3 toes, like folks are describing here. In the days prior to this, I had been watching animal prints that seemed to be tracking me home (was parking my car down the dirt road towards the highway and hiking home so I didn’t get snowed in. Looked like some large animals had been around the car (we have large packs of coyotes, bears and mountain lions here…and in the past two years they have started coming into the yard/animal pens and attacking my animals). It was while following animal tracks, I noticed a print probably 20 ft from my door, right in the middle of the road (I had walked right by there the day before and it was not there then. There was only one print though. Never seen one before or since (& now I look). A bit freaky when living alone and away from others.

Brian – Canterbury, NH

I recently went walking at night on a trail that goes around a pond in Canterbury, New Hampshire.
At this same location I had heard an extremely loud howl that was definitely not a human.
Last night with my light in the woods I saw a very distinct 3 towed print in the snow, the heel was foot shaped, they were small human like prints that i followed that paralleled the trail… I had seen these small 3 towed prints before on Mt. Kearsarge in NH…I’ll go back and see if I can get some photos..

Jay – Kansas

I was fishing just the other day Sept 20th 2014 on the banks of the Missouri River next to Fort Leavenworth in Kansas In the mud were the same three toed footprints. It actually startled me because I have been tracking wildlife all my life it was about 4 inches wide and 6 inches long three toes the middle on just slightly longer but uniformed l and it had a heal print just like the pictures. Now it looked like it came out of the water walked up about 5 feet and turned around and went back in. I have never in my life seen anything like this. In My estimation, this bipedal animal only had its prints about 1 foot apart from each other and sunk into the mud about 1 inch estimating its weight around 40 to 50 pounds compared to my footprint sinking deeper in the same mud. It has me a little nervous and extremely curious

Tori – Vermont

To be completely honest, we found a 3 “toed” footprint in the snow in Vermont, it looks a lot like the one that you have posted. This thing appears to have 2 legs by the way it was walking and the prints are spaced far apart….. we are so frickin curious and creeped out to what this could be. AHHHHH!!!! I don’t know how to post the pictures. And this was not a bird, its the dead middle of winter. I mean it could be but we don’t think so, it was about the size of a human footprint but with 3 “toes”, clawed like. Weird man… we would love if someone could tell us what it is haha seriously

Route 666 haunted highway tshirt

Strange 3-Toed Footprints – Undisclosed

My lady and I had recently lost everything (you know what I mean) in a fire that also consumed our A Frame Cabin. A buddy lent us a 1978 GMC Vanguard to stay in up on the hill not more that 100 feet from that charred cabin. one morning I went out to look for my newly stained palette I had left drying on a box just outside the main passenger side window just beyond the walkthrough door of the 78′ GMC. I had put it there specifically to help lessen any dust getting kicked up onto it by a passing deer or whatever. It was summer and it was dry…. when I went to retrieve it, it was exactly where I left it, on a sturdy and packed lil cardboard box about a foot high and tucked just under the body of the GMC so that it would be flush the vehicle. not an inch in or out from the side wall that was not but a half foot above it which lead up to the window. the most unnerving feeling I could imagine as I tried to comprehend what kind of animal would step up onto that box onto my new and perfectly shiny dark wood surfaced palette?! right in the middle a 3 toed almost triangular shaped print. like a goose at a park would have with those very thick feet , not the webbing type the really thick toed type… solid without breaks or tarsal lines just a solid dusty distinct print. that meant it couldn’t be a wayward goose, because the forward weighted body would not allow it to step up onto that box and stand against the Vanguard on one foot. it had to be like a human or … I still don’t like thinking about it. getting the chills now. I took no pictures and I made no attempt to maintain it… it was too surreal so soon after our loss. I will tell you I have had less nights asleep than I have had awake (far less). it left its print while it was looking through our window, pressed against our rv… it was trying to see us while we were sitting laughing sharing a drink or two, playing games, trying to forget the world for a night… we were only inches away separated by a thin pane of glass and a linen curtain. I must know. what it is .. but to be honest , I don’t want to…. do I?

Brian – Canterbury, NH

I recently went walking at night on a trail that goes around a pond in Canterbury, New Hampshire.
At this same location I had heard an extremely loud howl that was definitely not a human.
Last night with my light in the woods I saw a very distinct 3 towed print in the snow, the heel was foot-shaped, they were small human-like prints that I followed that paralleled the trail. I had seen these small 3 towed prints before on Mt. Kearsarge in NH…I’ll go back and see. if I can get some photos.

Have You Seen Three-Toed Footprints?

If you have seen these types of footprints, please leave me a comment or send me an email and tell us about them.  Something is out there with 3 toes and I would like to know what it is!

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39 Responses

  1. we recently found some 3 toed footprints left on our driveway we took pictures of them had to be walking on two legs no four legged footprints, someone said it was an ostrich or emu since we live near some farms but those do not match. to this day we haven’t figured it out date found 7/28/2013

  2. Found some that looked like the second pic only a lot bigger in some spilt flour in my house last night. What is it?

  3. I have a photo of a snow track 3 toes, 9″ long and 50.5″ between prints. Found in backyard in western Indiana. Tracks come from fence and down the side of house. It appears to be 2 legged. Email me and I will email you the photo. My friend is really curious an wants to get to the bottom of it!

      1. Hello-
        Do you know what those tracks are or what the best guess as to what makes those 3 toed tracks with the rounded heel? How many people have found them and in what areas? We are trying to figure out what made a long trackway we found identical to the tracks in the photo you posted. I’m at a loss to say the least but first thing that pops in my mind is a velociraptor….Which seems unlikely but who the hell knows.! Thanks…!!

        1. I would love to know what is making the three-toed prints. Honestly, the ones I’ve seen personally looked so flat in the bottom that I would have assumed someone faked them, except for the fact that where I lived there was no one around to do that. I’ve seen pictures of others that look more biological, mostly from the Southeast and the reports of lizard-men. Where/when did you find your tracks?

          1. Dunbar mountian in Pennsylvania. I’ve been speaking with MK Davis (do you know who that is?) about them and somebody coincidentally had contacted him two weeks before I did and sent him photos of tracks and a track cast of the same type of print from roughly 40 miles away. It was a different size implying multiple creatures. These tracks are most certainly not fake. Flexion is evident in the trackways and the gate is similar in length to most Sasquatch trackways. Larger then human beings can make. Do you have an email address I can send photos to. I can show you what I have and maybe you can compare them to others you know of or if you come across them in the future you can compare them.

  4. To be completely honest, we found a 3 “toed” footprint in the snow in Vermont, it looks alot like the one that you have posted. This thing appears to have 2 legs by the way it was walking and the prints are spaced far apart….. we are so frickincurious and creeped out to what this could be. AHHHHH!!!! i dont know how to post the pictures. And this was not a bird,its the dead middle of winter. I mean it could be but we dont think so,it was about the size of a human footprint but with 3 “toes”, clawed like. Weird man… we would love if someone could tell us what it is haha seriously

  5. I have been doing some light research on the three toe… it has also been associated with paranormal/alien type activities… can’t be seen but. Evidently leaves these prints… has superb camouflage where they must have weight as they leave depressions in all mediums, and have the ability to clearly move things, but are invisible to human eyes.
    They appear to be possibly violent. And have caused damage and disappearances when they encounter humans.
    I have collected a photograph that a lady was able to capture while encountering ‘one’ but don’t see a place to post – it is a series of light phenomenon that the camera was able to collect.

  6. Cliff I was fishing just the other day sept 20th 2014on the banks of the Missouri River next to fort leavenworth in Kansas In the mud were the same three toed footprints.I t actually startled me because I have been tracking wildlife all my life it was about 4 inches wide and 6 inches long three toes the middle on just slightly longer but uniformed l and it had a heal print just like the pictures. Now it looked like it came out of the water walked up about 5 feet and turned around and went back in. i have never in my life seen anything like this. In My estimation this bipedal animal only had its prints about 1 foot apart from each other and sunk into the mud about 1 inch estimating its weight around 40 to 50 pounds compared to my footprint sinking deeper in the same mud. It has me a little nervous and extreemly curious.

    1. There are things out there that aren’t documented, that is for sure! Great to hear that you saw a complete track way. Didn’t happen to get pictures did you?

  7. I recently went walking at night on a trail that goes around a pond in Canterbury,NH.
    At this same location I had heard a extremely loud howl that was definitely not a human.
    Last night with my light in the woods I saw a very distinct 3 towed print in the snow, the heel was footshaped, they were small human like prints that i followed that parralled the trail..I had seen these small 3 towed prints before on mt. Kearsarge in nh…Ill go bacl and see.if I can get some photos..

  8. my lady and I had recently lost everything (you know what I mean) in a fire that also consumed our A Frame Cabin. A buddy lent us a 1978 GMC Vanguard to stay in up on the hill not more that 100 feet from that charred cabin. one morning I went out to look for my newly stained palette I had left drying on a box just outside the main passenger side window just beyond the walkthrough door of the 78′ GMC . I had put it there specifically to help lessen any dust getting kicked up onto it by a passing deer or whatever. It was summer and it was dry…. when I went to retrieve it , it was exactly where I left it, on a sturdy and packed lil cardboard box about a foot high and tucked just under the body of the GMC so that it would be flush the vehicle. not an inch in or out from the side wall that was not but a half foot above it which lead up to the window. the most unnerving feeling I could imagine as I tried to comprehend what kind of animal would step up onto that box onto my new and perfectly shiny dark wood surfaced palette?! right in the middle a 3 toed almost triangular shaped print . like a goose at a park would have with those very thick feet , not the webbing type the really thick toed type… solid with out breaks or tarsal lines just a solid dusty distinct print. that meant it couldn’t be a wayward goose , because the forward weighted body would not allow it to step up onto that box and stand against the Vanguard on one foot. it had to be like a human or … I still don’t like thinking about it. getting the chills now. I took no pictures and I made no attempt to maintain it… it was too surreal so soon after our loss. I will tell you I have had less nights asleep than I have had awake (far less). it left its print while it was looking through our window, pressed against our rv… it was trying to see us while we were sitting laughing sharing a drink or two, playing games, trying to forget the world for a night… we were only inches away separated by a thin pane of glass and a linen curtain. I must know. what it is .. but to be honest , I don’t want to…. do I?

  9. Yep – mostly on our bathroom floor. I have pictures if you’re ever interested. They don’t show up for months, so I think that rules out us or our dog, and then suddenly we find them on carpets and floors. I also have been scratched in the mornings in that same room, and it always leaves three scratches. Lived in the house for 8 years with nothing violent happening, so we have no clue what it is.

  10. Hi I have not had this experience but watched a show in TV with similar story. Couple was in cabin and sounded like theses things were on the roof trying to get inside.they barrikacaded themseles inside. They were scared at these invisible things trying real into cabin. And when door opened the husband was knocked to floor. They put chair behind door under the handle and rested till morning. The husband was saying his back hurt. The wife found 3 scratch makes on her husbands back. Also the same scratches on the trees, and 3 toed foot prints up driveway and around cabin and car. They were scared never came back to cabin husband purchased cheap. The husband was able to purchase the cabin so cheap cos there were 4 mysteriously murdered victims in that same cabin. Few weeks later husband drove past cabin to see if everything was ok. The cabin was burned to the ground. The owners won’t sell the land where cabin once stood and its charred remains. For he maybe selling a death trap to a family. Unknowing what scarred them scratched him and seeing tracks of monster or entity that cannot be seen.

    I knew I heard more n more stories of this creature, I want know more??
    I can see so many similarities in listen and reading each story. Yet nothing is written about this creature or as popular as the Bigfoot. Why? If it kills? We need more research so we are aware of such nightmares.

    If this creature snuck onto plane or ship. The damage trouble could be MASS Hysteria in casualties.

  11. So……this may all be a coinsidence. Since I have found god, turned my life around,strange things have been happening. Nothing huge,small things like smells,sounds and that thing in the corner of your eye…. I went to let my dog outside yesterday morning. Looked down and there it was. A perfect 3 toed print….. maybe 3.5-4″ across and the same back….what is it? Why was it on the steps of my house? Lol,gotta love mother nature

  12. Hi! Two years ago, just a month after becoming the only one living up on the mountain of our family farm in eastern WV, I was hiking down the road after s snow and found what looked like a human footprint in the snow. Only it had 3 toes, like folks are describing here. In the days prior to this, I had been watching animal prints that seemed to be tracking me home (was parking my car down the dirt road towards the highway and hiking home so I didn’t get snowed in. Looked like some large animals had been around the car (we have large packs of coyotes, bears and mountain lions here…and in the past two years they have started coming into the yard/animal pens and attacking my animals). It was while following animal tracks, I noticed a print probably 20 ft from my door, right in the middle of the road (I had walked right by there the day before and it was not there then. There was only one print though. Never seen one before or since (& now I look). A bit freaky when living alone and away from others. When I shared the pic with friends, they insisted I had taken off my shoes and gone barefoot in the snow to get the pic (apparently, I can also remove my toes at will. Lol). Just found your posts while searching for other info about “3 toed beings.”

  13. We had something in our back yard 2 days ago that ran after hitting a metal wagon, it made sounds similar to what ancient dinosaurs, Raptors, would have made. It left 4 prints in the yard that were three toes and had a fairly small heel. The stride was around 4′ long and it appeared to have an arch or was moving fast, two of us heard it. Would like to know what it is also.

  14. I seen a three toed paw print but it was more like a dog paw print than anything else back in 2011 up in the Sandia mountains in New Mexico that was a day after my friends two small dogs vanished

  15. Found a few 3 toed footprints in the snow as well. Along the side of my neighbors driveway when i went to get the mail. That didnt bother me, what did bother me was that the foot prints looked like they had been made with only two feet instead of four. And the right and left foot prints were about 12inches apart from each other. Nobody else seemed to notice. Havent seen or heard anything else. Keeping my eyes open.

  16. I was coming out to the kitchen, my hard wood floor is very clean,I notice every smudge, this morning, I seen!! No mark II’ve ever seen before,I have 2 dogs,only come in at night,this was not their feet, this was three long fat toes about three ft apart from each step,went around my carpet under the dining room table,around my fat old dog in her condo, I only seen one print leaving after that,I asked my daughter to come see the prints on the floor, she’s 17 and said, “that’s not right,what in the hell” now I cleaned the ffloor spotless again, I will be checking in the morning

  17. So my husband was charged by a creature the other night. He was checking on noise I heard. Lucky he took the rifle with him and fired a shot in the air. The next morning we went to see if it was a bear that got in the trailer. No signs of a bear. Which I kinda figured because it is December. But my husband went to where he heard branches breaking the night before and found three marks without a pad for a foot print. Everything I have found says a chupacobrua. I am not one to believe it is real, but it growled and charged him. What is it?

  18. I found strange footprints, like baby footprints, only they had 4 toes. I used to work in a place which had a parking lot with a lot of cars. This was in Buenos Aires, Argentina. On the thin dirt film above the cars, one would find those tiny footprints. The strangest one was this footprints in the side window of one of the cars, as if that “baby” would be walking over the window ???. Really strange.

  19. Twice now my daughter has had an entity attack her n leave a 3 toes dog looking paw print on her body by next morning was gone
    Please help me understand what this is
    Our home id highly filled with different entities n spirits my two daughters n I all are sensitive empath n more there is do much activity in our home I don’t know where yo stsrt

  20. Well, I’m here because I googled “large 3 toed animal”. I am so pissed that I didn’t have my phone to take a picture. Also had my 2 young kids, and my dog with me. Went back out by myself to look for the print and couldn’t find it. I live on 20 acres in north idaho, back up to 160 acres national forest. All people in the community have 20+ acres. The print was kind of close to the house, but in the wooded area. The print was in the snow. Could only find one. About 10 inches long. Narrow heel. 3 long toes. Slightly parted from one another and pretty equal in length, from what I could tell. We made our way to what we call ” the view” saw deer and moose tracks. And on the way back home, my kids both say to me they see something in the woods. Like a person standing, with a black covering them, with no arms. Then I said we are going home. Come on. My son says it moved mom, I’ll show you where. I said, no way. We hurried home. My kids are 4 and 5 , so I dont mess around. I did go back out by myself with a pistol. Nothing else came of it. But, one time in the middle of a clear night my husband walked out to the view. He witnessed flashing lights and captured a video. Another time, we were looking for the moon out our window. We said, yea that’s the moon, I think, but why is it flashing. Then we freaked out when it appeared to fall toward the earth. Got dressed and went outside for a clearer view. Was just the moon. We also took a video of that, and it disappeared from my husband’s phone.

  21. I’m new to this group because of something that happened to me the other day and I was hoping someone might have some insight. I live in Massachusetts and we had snow last Thursday. The snow turned to rain and I went to take the dogs out (it was nighttime) and I saw what I thought was footprints. I also thought maybe the rain washed some of the snow but why in just that area. I went and checked it out and I was stunned.
    I had never seen anything like it before. I went back in the house and grabbed my phone so I could take pictures. I don’t know what I was thinking because whatever it was could still be out there. I wish I had gotten better pictures the next morning.
    The really bizarre thing is the prints started in front of a swing and ended in front of a 6′ wall. Behind the swing is a concrete wall, some shrubs and a fence. There was no prints to the swing so how did this animal/creature get in front of the swing. There were no prints leading anywhere from the wall. It just stopped dead in front of the wall so how did it get out.
    The only explanation I thought of was a bird but no birds have a 3-4′ stride or prints that are 8″ – 9″ long and 6″ wide. My friend suggested it was a cryptid but I’d like to find out if it was and which one.
    Nobody I’ve contacted seems to know what this is.
    This is really freaking me out and I’m scared. I really want to find out what it is because I want to know if I’m in any danger and what is going on.
    I’d love to hear your feedback. Thank you.

  22. I live in Carson City Nevada. We have some walking trails in an area called Prison Hill. I am there every day and have been for 11 yes. straight this time. Four days ago it dumped a lot of snow . So two days ago the weather turned nice and sunny melting a majority of it. I noticed some mountain lion tracks down low from the mountains and was tracking them. Then I started finding 3 toed paw prints. They have three round toe imprints with a paw pad. No claw marks to very slight claw marks. There are multiple sizes implying multiple animals. Although the prints are fairly far apart. The ground isn’t super soft just packed sand and these prints are pretty deep. What leaves a print such as these? Today I went back and there are more and after looking closely I believe whatever made them is bipedal.

  23. I have just recently moved to South Georgia and have spotted these same exact prints on my property!! When I first spotted one I thought it was a mash up of different animal prints, that is until I have found more since! 4 times now I have found these prints, each time only one print; no side by side or anything, always just 1. They only show up in the middle of the night. I walk my property every morning and especially since discovering these odd prints. I call them goblin/demon prints lol. I have photos if you would like to see them. I see this article was from many years ago, any discovery as to what it is since then?

  24. I only noticed these footprints on our sliding glass door after a humid moist night in southern Florida. I have pictures.

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