Creepy things kids have said to babysitters

Creepy Things Kids Have Said To Their Babysitters


Kids Say Creepy Things

Just in general conversation, children say some very interesting things.  Their view of reality, general understanding and limited vocabulary make for some interesting statement.  But sometimes, those comments are more than just odd.  The following are creepy things kids have said to their babysitter or person watching them.

These comments go beyond the average “that’s weird” straight into the creepy zone. I particularly am intrigued by the cases of past lives bleeding through such as with #8 and #10. There are many cases of this on the record.  One that we have reported on here is the case of the 3 year old boy that recalled his own murder.

If you have had children say scary things to you like this, or recount their past lives, be sure to send us a message and let us know!  We would love to get them documented and up on the site.


child creeps out babysitter telling her about the ghost girl in the corner

Creepy things said to baby sitter - Child tells babysitter about the child that lives in the closet
Creepy things said to baby sitter - Child talks about the ghost of their dead older sister

Creepy things said to baby sitter - child sees ghost of woman being hanged

Creepy things said to baby sitter - Child tells sitter about a ghost with no arms

Creepy things said to baby sitter - child tells sitter about a ghost that would sing to him

Creepy things said to baby sitter - Child reports having a shadow person stare at them

Creepy things said to baby sitter - Child tells babysitter about past life

Creepy things said to baby sitter - Child tells baby sitter about black mist coming into the house

Creepy things said to baby sitter - Child tells sitter about past life

Creepy things said to baby sitter -

Creepy things said to baby sitter - child tells girl her dead boyfriend is sitting on the porch

Creepy things said to baby sitter -

child tells about man with no face

scary things kids have said to babby sitters

Daughter tells mom her imaginary friend cut her mothers head off

Child tells about the bodies buried in the yard



Originally posted on which is now dead.

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