Did A Woman Catch An Alien On Her Webcam?

A woman was doing a video chat with her friend when they noticed in the background, a strange alien looking figure. Now they are looking for answers.
The event took place in June of 2016 near Ellensburg, WA and was reported to MUFON. It is now case file #80268 with them.
The lights were out and the subject was video chatting, when her friend on the other end noticed the figure in the background and grabbed a shot of it with her phone.
“My bathroom light was on, so I could see the computer,” the witness stated. “That is the light on the left. The widow and curtains are to the right. This ‘whatever’ had to be right behind me.”
Apparently this isn’t the first time that something odd has happened to this person in the home.
“I have experienced some odd things, waking up to an old table with a 50-pound marble top moved. loud bangs, seeing shadows. My daughter said she saw a tall man once in front of the fire place.”
With little to go on, MUFON is racking this up as a case of pareidolia, meaning that our brains are hard wired to find familiar shapes and bring them to our attention, even if what they find isn’t really there.
It is very possible that this is just a trick of the imagination. She did also report that there has also been some UFO activity nearby recently.
“A roommate saw a couple of UFOs three days ago, sighted towards Mt. Rainer. Time I think around 11 p.m. Not quite sure. He was shaken up.”
Alien or Imagination?
What do you think this is? Is it an alien peeping at her, or just a trick of our minds? Be sure to post your comments below.
Of course if you have seen anything like this, be sure to write in and let us know about it so we can share your encounter with everyone!