How you know what a Bigfoot or Sasquatch weighs?
That is an excellent question and if you watch the Bigfoot hunting shows, you will often hear them making reference to somewhere between 600 and 800 pounds. How do they know what a Bigfoot weighs? The obvious problem is that no one has ever captured one to put it on a scale, so much has to be inferred from sightings using some fancy biology and math.
BFRO Bigfoot Weight Estimations
If you like the difficult route, the BFRO has published a paper by Wolf H. Fahrenbach titled SASQUATCH: SIZE, SCALING, AND STATISTICS that explains a lot about the calculations used to estimate the dimensions, weight and so on of a Sasquatch or Bigfoot. This report is generally the one sited on other sites when people are talking about Sasquatch physiology. But it is a bit thick for light reading.
Bigfoot Encounters also has a breakdown of where they feel a Sasquatch would weigh in at. Of particular interest to me in their calculations is the speed and strength analysis. In a nut shell, they estimate that a Bigfoot could reach top speed in half the time of a human which would be very beneficial for escaping detection and may explain how Bigfoot seem to “disappear” when you look away from them.
Jim McClairin’s Bigfoot Weight Estimator
On his Facebook page, Jim McClarin posted an excellent synthesis of the formulas for calculating what a Bigfoot weighs. These numbers line up with other estimations quite well.

The answer to the question “what does a Bigfoot weigh”
Given and adult is ~7′-8′ tall and fairly heavily built, you can expect that they weigh between 600# and 800# depending on their maturity and presumably gender. One other factor seems to be the subspecies of Bigfoot. These numbers are good for Bigfoot or Sasquatch found in most areas, but in warmer regions I would expect to find them to be smaller and more lightly built for environmental reasons.
What is your thoughts on how heavy Bigfoot are?
Do you have a different opinion on how much a grown Bigfoot will weigh? Post you comments below and let me know what you think of the analysis presented on Sasquatch weight.
2 Responses
People are always at a loss for words when trying to describe the mass of what they saw when encountering a bigfoot. Everyone always mentions how broad their shoulders are, and seem to often say numbers about half the height.. a human bodybuilder is 1/4th-1/3rd their height wide at most (6 ft tall and 18/20 inches wide is huge, while a full 2 feet shoulder to shoulder is almost unheard of)
If ur the same height and thickness front to backand you double the width, then ur twice as heavy and appear slender, and a common description is a runners or basketball players build. So thats about 500lb at 6 feet tall
700 if the reference is roided up 90s and beyond guys like ronnie coleman (who along with contemporaries was 100lbs heavier thsn arnold at the same hright) which would look like a strong athlete at the girth of a bigfoot but not a bodybuilder or powerlifter.
There has been a gorilla on record, which still arent fully half as wide as they are tall, that was over 700 lbs at a little over 6 feet tall
Some bigfoots are described as being unimaginably muscular, beyond anything a himsn bodybuilder could possibly acheive. Theyve been said to dwarf the cigi incredible hulk from movies, which essentially look like giant 8 ft tall bodybuilders. To look proportially comparable to a bodybuilder at twice the width, theyd also have to be twice as thick front to back (which is sometimes mentioned- people have said things like 3ft front to back). That would make one 4x as heavy as a human bodybuilder at the same height.
Tbh they sound bigger than gorillas, and generally a really big gorilla is about 500 lbs at 6 ft… by this method a 6 ft bigfoot would be 1000 lbs… but maybe say 7-800 lbs which would match the biggest gorilla on record (captivity).
Say its a mere 500 for the easy number at 6 feet tall, which i dont think would represent one of the incredibly muscular ones people sometimes describe but rather one of the incredibly wide, strong basketball player types that are often reported.
Then it goes up exponentially as they get taller- twice the height all else being equal is supposedly about 8x the mass… so thats 4,000 lbs at 12ft tall. And idk?? 2500 at 9 ft?
Worlds tallest human on record was 9 ft, thin as a rail and 450 lbs. if he was 6 ft tall he probably wouldve been 130 top. So about half an arnold era body builder, which is half our bigfoot.
So 4x 450 at 9 feet is 1800 lbs.
Basically we’re in the range of 2000 lbs for a 9 ft bigfoot again since my numbers are pretty approximate, but we’re still referring to what i think is a relatively lean one.
Take strength standards.. an incredibly well trained human can deadlift about 3x their bodyweight. Competition winning Powerlifters are about 300 lbs muscle and can pull like 1000 lbs.
If primates are twice as strong lb for lb as humans, then a 2000 bigfoot would deadlift 12000 + lbs, which is on the low end of the spectrum of how strong youd have to be to uproot a respectable tree, which they’re reported to do quite often.
I think strong bigfoots are 2500lbs plus at 8 ft tall. Then you start to have a size consistent with megafauna and animal power that they display.
Think bulls, horses, moose, etc. 1000 plus lbs
That supposedly they hunt and kill with their bare hards and walk off with, presumably draped over a shoulder.
Largest polar bear on record (relatively narrow shoulders) was 12 ft long and 2200 lbs
These things are said to dwarf bears, which i believe are 3-400 lbs at 6 ft.
An elephant, the only (other) animal known to uproot trees, is 10,000 + lbs.
Would it be a big leap to assume a 12ft + bigfoot would be half that given what people decribe seeing and the things theyre reported to do?