What do you call a creature that is all body and legs, but with no discernable arms or head?
I call it the Ohio Walker.
One man in Ohio was left pondering just what he had seen, after sighting a 7′ tall, gray creature that ran across the road in front of him. The encounter was investigated by Ron McGlone of MUFON, and the event was reported on by the Highland County Press.

According to Ron “The witness was driving near Carmel on Dec. 12, 2014, came up over a hill and saw a 7′ tall slim, gray creature with muscular legs that walked like its knees were backwards.”
In a post on UFOStalker, the man’s wife said “We recently bought a place in the Fort Hill area. We first noticed after about 30 days of living here that we suddenly have a perfect circle that stays fresh green, no matter what weather, in our front yard. Friday night (the 12th) we were driving home and after turning on Carmel rd which leads to our road (Washburn) we went around the curve by the Carmel church and then up a small incline and approx. 10 feet over the incline and in front of our truck, the alien ran across the road and into the woods. My husband saw it. He is a skeptic, almost 60 years old and a proud Marine. He wouldn’t have admitted to seeing it if he hadn’t been in shock. I had him draw it for me when we got to the house. He says it was asphalt gray (our asphalt is gray) and about 7 foot tall, no arms that he could see, but muscular in the legs area. No jawline and it’s legs were bent backward and it leaned forward as it ran.”
I find this mention of a spot that stays green all the time interesting. If it isn’t their septic tank leaking, then what could it be? A sport where a portal opens up and things fall through? That is what I suspect is the case with many of these very strange, one-off cryptid sightings, similar to the Dover Demon.
A Cryptid With A Totally Alien Body
The creature truly did appear to be alien. “The 60-year-old former Marine (who allegedly saw the creature) also said it didn’t seem to have arms. He also included a sketch made shortly after he arrived home.” Ron commented in his report.
The witness, apparently not too fazed by the encounter said “I would like to get this information out in your area in hopes that maybe someone else has seen it – or that their giant cross-bred ostrich got loose – or something!”
With no head or arms, the body shape and backwards knees make sense as they would allow you balance, lacking any arms. We see this in robots that have no arms like the ones below.

Another Potential Sighting Of The Ohio Walker
Online posts need to be taken with a grain of salt, but in looking for more information on this sighting, I found this comment from someone that claims to have seen a similar creature back in the early ’80s.
My brother, sister and I saw a grey/brown faceless and armless creature that was around 7 foot tall at dusk in the late fall of 1980 or 1981 in the area around Xenia, Ohio. It trotted our direction from about 150-200 yards away. We were up against some large trees and I don’t think it saw/heard/smelled us because it went right by. Its trot was considerably faster then a man’s fastest run. I don’t recall seeing eyes and because it was running at us I dont recall which direction the knees bent (like a man or like an ostrich). It did not smell and it didn’t make any noise. I distinctly remember not being afraid of it. There is more to this. I think I should report this. – Steven
Where Did The Carmel Creature Come From?
There is no terrestrial explanation for a rock-gray creature with backward knees and no head and arms. That just leaves the options to be that it was an alien creature or the unlucky victim of a portal.
If it was an alien, I am left wondering how it flies its ship unless it has appendages that were not visible to the witness.
The other option, and the one I feel is the most likely, is that this creature was a victim of a trans-dimensional portal. David Paulides in his Missing 411 books/videos, documents many accounts of people that seem to have slipped through portals to world like ours, but where they can’t seem to find their way out, or reach rescuers.
If that can happen to us here, what if other creatures fall prey to them as well, getting dropped on Earth at least temporarily?
Have You Seen The Ohio Walker or Carmel Creature?
If you have had an encounter with the Carmel Creature or any other strange and unidentifiable cryptid, send me an email and tell me all about it. Send your emails to Reports@ParaRational.com. I love hearing about all the wild and strange things that people see!