Bigfoot Spotted on Google Earth in Colorado
Has Google captured a photo of Bigfoot in Colorado? This photo from Google Earth shows a mysterious creature in Colorado
Has Google captured a photo of Bigfoot in Colorado? This photo from Google Earth shows a mysterious creature in Colorado
Video posted to YouTube on May 24, 2020, purports to show a cloaked entity walking through the woods. As is always the case, the video
Two hunters our scouting deer find more than they expected when they spot not one, but a whole family of Bigfoot crossing a hillside.
How Long Was A Monster Living In The Attic? If you found out there was a monster in your attic, how long would you stay
What are the Denver UFOs filmed by the KDVR news crew? The story about UFOs in Denver has been bouncing around for a while. It
Delve into the world of the unexplained and paranormal here at ParaRational.com. Explore compelling accounts of cryptozoological creatures like Bigfoot and Sasquatch, chilling ghost stories, UFO sightings, and Black Eyed Children encounters. We investigate the mysteries that defy conventional explanation, inviting you to question and uncover the fascinating possibilities within the realm of the paranormal.