Battle in Ape Canyon
Fred Beck, one of the miners, claimed they shot and possibly killed at least one of the creatures. The death resulted in an attack on the miners’ cabin.
Fred Beck, one of the miners, claimed they shot and possibly killed at least one of the creatures. The death resulted in an attack on the miners’ cabin.
Old Story Of A Bigfoot Murdering A Trapper In Idaho Here is a video from Kelly Shaw of the Rocky Mountain Sasquatch Organization who recently
The first reaction to seeing a large, black humanoid hiking fast across a snowy mountain top is that it is Bigfoot. I am thinking that is exactly what these two hikers caught on video.
This video of what is supposed to be the Japanese Hibagon has been making the rounds on the web the last few days and I’m not sure how anyone can seriously say that this is genuine footage of a real cryptid creature.
Does Bigfoot Pack a Gun and Wear Body Armor? One of the more interesting Bigfoot encounters I’ve heard is this one out of the suburbs
Credible Sightings of Bigfoot in New York West coast people have a hard time imagining that Bigfoot could live on the east coast because we
Does a Recent Bigfoot Track Point to Bigfoot Migrations? A recent news report out of Ohio is claiming that some local people have found a
Here We Go With Another “Bigfoot Has Been Shot” Tale The news coming out of of rural Pennsylvania blew up this week with headlines along
Is This a Legitimate Bigfoot Video or a Hoax? This Bigfoot video purports to be old footage of a Bigfoot caught on tape back in
Has Persistent Work Captured Bigfoot Speech? If you have spent any time at all doing research on Bigfoot or watched shows about Bigfoot, you have
Delve into the world of the unexplained and paranormal here at ParaRational.com. Explore compelling accounts of cryptozoological creatures like Bigfoot and Sasquatch, chilling ghost stories, UFO sightings, and Black Eyed Children encounters. We investigate the mysteries that defy conventional explanation, inviting you to question and uncover the fascinating possibilities within the realm of the paranormal.