Fleet of UFOs in North Carolina Caught on Video
A man on a ferry on the coast of North Carolina captured a swarm of bright lights hanging out over the ocean with no explanation.
A man on a ferry on the coast of North Carolina captured a swarm of bright lights hanging out over the ocean with no explanation.
Broome Australia’s police posted to their Twitter account, surveillance video that shows what may be a UFO in the sky after a lightning storm.
A driver in California claims that it was an extraterrestrials fault that his van went off the road and rolled over. He claims that it was a UFO that forced him off the road.
UFO researches struggle to explain a square UFO spotted in the skies of Georgia. The reports to MUFON state that on January 30th, 2019, a
Was a UFO recharging its batteries in a lightning storm? Chatrooms are buzzing with talk of this video that supposedly shows a UFO recharging its
As with any alien encounter, anyone can dismiss the Steve Boucher alien abduction account as the works of a fevered imagination since there is no
Footage of a UFO captured in Scotland There is no denying that what is in this video was and still is a UFO. By definition
Something strange was going on in skies of Florida in February. Multiple people captured footage of lights in the sky that so far, defy explanation.
Up Close UFO Encounter How do you explain this up close Massachusetts UFO encounter and the events that followed? Imagine yourself driving down a quiet
What Would You Do If A Black Alien Walked Up To Your Door? There are few things that I can think of that would be
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