What would you say to a man who came back into his bedroom to find a small scrap of what appears to be charred notebook paper on his bed that had not been there when he left. This apport left him very confused.
“I went from my room to the bathroom 8 steps away and back no one or thing was in the house or my room and it wasn’t there before I went it the bathroom”
Living alone, with no pets, and very confused as to how it got there, the poster turned to Reddit for possible answers. Their post in r/Weird got a varied response from the serious to the humorous.

The first thought was that the paper had come in on the poster’s clothes or shoes. The poster responded that this was unlikely as they never wear shoes in the house and as for their clothes, they commented “all my clothes I wore today got out in the washing machine before I came upstairs including my hat!”
With it coming in on clothing ruled out, and no pets or roommates, the source of the paper gets more mysterious.
One Redditor asked “Was there a fire in your neighborhood recently?” to which the poster responded with that there hadn’t been one in the area in several years.
Was this just a glitch in the matrix and the burned paper a piece of someone’s burned notes from a time gone by? Was this some sort of message from someone beyond the grave? Was it just a really odd set of coincidences that led to this scrap of burned paper laying on their bed?
Obviously we will forever be left without answers, adding this to the long list of objects appearing out of nowhere.
Have you had an object appear or disappear without explanation like this? I would love to hear about it. Send me an email to Reports@ParaRational.com and tell me all about it.