wire Dowsing rods

The Best Metal For Dowsing Rods

Wire dowsing rods are a common way to find water, minerals or other underground items. The question many people have is what is the best metal to make wire dowsing rods from.

Dowsing rods can be made of any metal or even wood. Most commonly though, wire dowsing rods are made of copper or steel. Brass and stainless steel are also occasionally used, but copper is the most commonly used material.

Different dowsers report different experiences with various materials, but divining rods are copper, possibly because copper is considered a mineral of energy and mental agility and can aid psychic abilities.

What is the best metal for divining rods?

It is generally accepted that brass or copper makes the best divining rod material. While no one can scientifically point to a reason for this, the best guess is that the copper content of both resonates well with our own electrical fields.

Making copper divining rods

The easiest way to make copper dowsing rods is to take a 16″ piece of 12/2 Romex wire and pull it apart. The bare ground wire will function as one of the rods. Stripping one of the other wires yields your second rod.

After getting them relatively straight, all they need is a bend 4″ from one end in each one, forming an L, and you have a set of dowsing rods.

If you would rather you can also pick up a pair of fancy copper dowsing rods on Amazon (gratuitous Amazon affiliate link).

Brass or Stainless steel dowsing rods

Another popular pair of options to make dowsing rods is 3/16″ brass brazing or stainless steel welding rods. These come in 36″ lengths and are very straight, making them easy to work with.

You can either find these at your local welding shop or on eBay.

Coat Hangers for Dowsing Rods

Coat Hangers for Dowsing Rods

While wire coat hangers are not as common as they once were, they are an option for making dowsing rods. Simply undo or cut the wire loop open, and straighten out your coat hanger into a straight wire. Then decide on how long you want your rods to be, remembering to leave some to bend the handle out of. Then cut them and bend in a handle. The hardest part may be finding an old-school wire hanger these days.

Ready-Made Dowsing Rods To Buy

Handles or no handles on dowsing rods

Personally, I like to use just bare wire on my dowsing rods. That being said, there are a lot of people who like using handles on their dowsing rods. The handles allow the rods to move more freely, which some people like.

Ideally, these should be of the same material as the rods to keep conductivity.

To add handles to your rods, simply cut some small tubing of the same material as your wire, into 4″ lengths and then when you bend your rods, add 1/4″ to the handle portion. Slip your tube on and then bend the excess over to hold the handles on.

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