Was Hamilton killed by a Dogman?

Brenda Hamliton – Death by Dogman

Was Brenda Hamilton killed by a Dogman?

Brenda Hamilton, 77, was found shoulder-deep in water in a roadside ditch, the victim of an animal attack. 3 days later she would die, leaving people wondering what animal mauled her.

She was attacked about 5:30 a.m. on Feb. 15, while walking her dogs in the Pantego community, which is about 135 miles east of Raleigh.

A family in the area told investigators they were “awakened by their dogs barking by the road” and investigated to find Hamilton lying in a ditch submerged up to her shoulders in water.

The Beaufort County Sheriff’s Office said they received a 911 call at 5:47 a.m. Beaufort County EMS and paramedics arrived to find Hamilton suffering from severe injuries to her head and arms as a result of the attack.

A considerable amount of blood was found on the road leading Investigators to where Hamilton was found in the ditch according to the police press release, indicating that she had been attacked in the road and had crawled or drug to the ditch.

Brenda was transported to a local hospital but succumbed to her injuries 3 days later without regaining consciousness.

Ruling out the obvious

The initial suspicion fell upon Hamilton’s two dogs that she walked with. To no one’s surprise, Hamilton’s DNA was found on the dogs, but they showed no sign of aggression when the police and EMS arrived on the scene.

Samples of 14 local area pets were taken and none matched any of the samples taken from Hamilton’s body.

49 different DNA tests were done and did determine though that at least part of what attacked her is a dog but was ultimately inconclusive as it could be any type of canine from a domestic dog, to coyote, wolf or something even more exotic.

Western Carolina science teacher Maureen Hickman told commissioners the animal may have been the hybrid offspring of dog and coyote or dog and wolf, WCTI reported.

Investigating the area, investigators found some wet footprints in the road, but they were likely from the two dogs that were found on the scene.

All in all the conclusion is that DNA testing has ruled out any single dog or species, but given no clear evidence as to what Brenda’s attacker might have been.

In addition to all of this, bite marks couldn’t be matched to any known animal. Even the number of teeth didn’t match normal canines.

Black Panther attack

In the wake of the attack on Hamilton and the lack of a culprit, friends and neighbors are looking to blame a Black Panther for the attack.

Hamilton’s cousin says she believes the animal responsible is a cougar because she saw one outside her home just weeks after the attack.
“I was just in awe and it just never looked at me, just a gaze, jet black with the longest tail you could ever imagine, unimaginable,” says Hamilton’s cousin, Ollie Allen.

Officials keep insisting that there are no cougars or black panthers in North Carolina. Despite that, people keep seeing them. This video is from Eagles Nest Road in Grimesland, NC


Even some investigators have said that some of the claw marks appeared to be from a cat. The problem is that no DNA or physical evidence links this attack to a panther.

In addition to this, panthers rarely attack people. In my experience, a cougar or panther would be far more likely to have attacked the dogs that were with her.

Did a Dogman kill Brenda Hamilton?

With no other suspects, it is worth considering that Brenda Hamilton was killed by a Dogman. This seems far fetched or even ridiculous, but let us consider the facts.

None of the reports mention that there were any signs of an animal feeding on her. I would expect if something attacked her because it was hungry, there would be some signs of predation.

All of the wounds mentioned were on her arms and head. Typical defensive wounds if your attacker is your height or taller. If dogs/wolves/coyotes had dragged her down, I would have expected some wounds to have been on her legs.

If a cougar had attacked her, they prefer a surprise attack and typically go for the neck. The wounds were bad enough that some investigators thought they could be from a cougar. But again, no DNA evidence indicated a large cat.

The south is known for Dogman sightings. Here is a Dogman report from Cumberland County in NC. If panther sightings are enough to implicate large cats, wouldn’t Dogman sightings do the same?

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4 Responses

  1. Whatever killed Brenda Hamilton needs to die. Someone is not doing his job, or this creature would already have been identified and killed. Back in the day, the local people would have organized a posse and hunted down the creature and killed it, but nowadays people are sitting on their hands waiting for someone else to take care of the problem.

  2. Just sixty miles from where this tragedy occurred a group of 12 men had an extremely disturbing encounter with two cryptids commonly known as “dogmen” just nine months after this poor woman was viciously murdered and two months after this article was posted. This encounter occurred near the Lumber River State Park and you can here the full account of it here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LmCynWkZBpY One of the men captured audio of these things shortly before they had what was a terrifying encounter with them. You can hear it at the 1 hr 5 min 26 sec mark of the interview. At first you can hear what are clearly coyotes yipping in the distance and then you’ll hear three bizarre bark-scream-howls that don’t sound like any coyotes I’ve ever heard.

  3. Pingback: Was Brenda Hamilton killed by a Dogman? Brenda Hamliton – Death by Dogman – @Adrenogate | Fringe Culture
  4. i was in a cab the driver said i just seen a ghost i thought nothing of what he said so were leaving the parking lot in the cloverdale mall seen a guy standing there then he shapeshifted started walking on all4s across the street then it went invisible i felt it was chasing after us after it went invisible it was grey and iv had bad luck ever since i seen this dogman

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