1970s UFO abducting someone

1973 UFO flap – UFO and Alien Encounters of 1973

1973 The year UFOs invaded Earth

1973 was a landmark year when it came to UFO and alien encounters. Often referred to as the 1973 UFO Flap, there were hundreds of UFO and alien encounters reported all across the USA and the world at large.

Here is a list of the more well-known UFO and alien encounters of 1973. This is of course just a partial list, with many more people reporting seeing strange things in the skies, or even alien beings.

UFO & Alien Encounters of 1973

  1. Côtes-du-Nord UFO Sighting (January 1973)
    A UFO was reportedly seen by multiple witnesses in the Côtes-du-Nord region of France, including gendarmes who pursued the object.
  2. North Hudson Park UFO Landing (January 12, 1973)
    George O’Barski claimed to witness a UFO landing and small beings emerging from it in North Hudson Park, New Jersey.
  3. The Kofu Incident (February 23, 1973)
    Two young boys claimed they saw a small humanoid figure emerge from a UFO that landed in a vineyard. The boys described the being as wearing a silver suit and having wrinkled skin. They reported that the being communicated with them telepathically before re-entering the craft and flying away.
  4. The Liberty, Kentucky Encounter (February 27, 1973)
    A young couple reported seeing a large, glowing object land in a nearby field. They claimed to have seen small humanoid figures moving around the object. The encounter reportedly left them both shaken, and their story was covered in local newspapers.
  5. Drury UFO Film (March 1973)
    New Zealand couple Colin and Glenys Rooney filmed what they believed to be a UFO near their home in Drury, south of Auckland. The film gained attention in UFO circles.
  6. The Murray Island Incident (April 1973)
    Fishermen and residents reported seeing a large, glowing object hover over the water near Murray Island in the Torres Strait of Australia. The object emitted a loud humming noise and reportedly caused electrical disturbances on the island.
  7. The Piedmont UFO Sightings (May 1973)
    Multiple residents of Piedmont, MO reported seeing strange lights and objects in the sky over several days. The sightings were witnessed by many people, including police officers, and were reported in local newspapers.
  8. The Willernie, Minnesota Sightings (July 1973)
    Several residents of Willernie, Minnesota reported seeing a large, saucer-shaped object with multicolored lights hovering over the area. Some witnesses described the object as making a humming noise, while others reported that it appeared to land briefly before taking off again.
  9. The Ridgeway, Illinois Incident (August 1973)
    A farmer in Ridgeway, Illinois reported seeing a large, cigar-shaped object with bright lights hovering over his fields. The object reportedly caused electrical interference with his equipment, and he claimed to have seen small, humanoid figures near the craft before it took off.
  10. Buff Ledge Camp Abduction (August 7, 1973)
    Two teenage counselors at a summer camp in Vermont claimed to have been abducted by aliens, though their memories of the event were recovered through hypnosis years later.
  11. The Naples, Florida UFO Flap (August 1973)
    Residents of Naples, Florida reported multiple sightings of UFOs over the course of several weeks. The objects were described as brightly lit and performing erratic maneuvers in the sky. Some witnesses also reported seeing smaller objects separating from and returning to the larger craft.
  12. The Exeter UFO Incident (September 3, 1973)
    While driving home, a 15-year-old girl named Debbie claimed she was followed by a UFO. After the encounter, she reported strange symptoms and was found to have burns on her body. The incident remains unexplained.
  13. The Alamogordo UFO Incident (September 10, 1973)
    A UFO was reportedly seen hovering over a military base in Alamogordo, NM. Multiple witnesses described seeing a saucer-shaped object with bright lights. The incident was allegedly investigated by the military but no official explanation was given.
  14. The Goffstown, New Hampshire Encounter (September 12, 1973)
    A family in Goffstown, New Hampshire, reported seeing a large, glowing object hovering over their property. The object was described as saucer-shaped with windows, and they claimed to have seen figures moving inside. The encounter reportedly left the family feeling disoriented, with missing time reported.
  15. The Fort Benning Incident (September 1973)
    Soldiers at Fort Benning, GA reported seeing a large, disk-shaped object with bright lights hovering over the base. Some soldiers claimed to have experienced missing time and strange dreams after the incident. The case was reportedly investigated by military authorities, but no official explanation was given.
  16. Skylab 3 UFO Sighting (September 20, 1973)
    Astronauts aboard Skylab 3 reported observing a red, mysterious object near their space station. This sighting is notable due to the credibility of the trained astronaut observers.
  17. The Tuscumbia, Missouri Sighting (October 1973)
    Multiple witnesses in Tuscumbia, Missouri reported seeing a large, oval-shaped object with bright lights hovering over a field. The object was described as being silent and appeared to be under intelligent control. Some reports included sightings of smaller lights or objects emerging from the main craft.
  18. Coyne-Mansfield Helicopter Incident (October 1973)
    Four Army Reserve helicopter crew members reported a near-collision with a cigar-shaped UFO near Charles Mill Lake in Ohio. The incident was corroborated by ground witnesses in Richland and Ashland counties.
  19. The Wareham, Massachusetts Sighting (October 1973)
    Several residents of Wareham, Massachusetts reported seeing a large, oval-shaped object with bright lights hovering over the town. The object was described as being silent and moving slowly across the sky. Some witnesses claimed to have seen smaller objects or lights emerging from the main craft.
  20. Pascagoula Abduction (October 11, 1973)
    Charles Hickson and Calvin Parker reported being abducted by alien beings while fishing on the Pascagoula River in Mississippi. This case gained significant attention due to the credibility of the witnesses and their consistent accounts over the years.
  21. The Alexandria, Louisiana Sighting (October 1973)
    Multiple residents reported seeing a large, silent object with bright lights hovering over the town. The object was described as moving slowly across the sky before disappearing. Some witnesses reported feeling a strange, vibrating sensation during the sighting.
  22. The Hornet UFO Incident (October 19, 1973)
    A farmer in Hornet, Missouri reported seeing a large, cylindrical object with bright lights hovering above his fields. The object was observed for several minutes before it rapidly ascended into the sky and disappeared. This sighting occurred during a period of increased UFO activity in the region.
  23. Ripley UFO Encounter (October 1973)
    A family in Ripley, Mississippi, reported seeing a UFO land in a nearby field and observing small, robot-like beings emerge from it.
  24. The Canal Winchester Sighting (October 1973)
    Residents of the small town of Canal Winchester, Ohio reported seeing a large, saucer-shaped object with flashing lights hovering over the area. The object was observed by multiple witnesses and was reported to have made no sound as it moved through the sky.
  25. The Ohio UFO Wave (October 1973)
    Throughout October 1973, there were numerous reports of UFO sightings across Ohio. The sightings ranged from mysterious lights to large, structured craft. The wave of sightings attracted the attention of both the media and UFO researchers.
  26. The Manchester, New Hampshire Sighting (October 1973)
    Multiple witnesses reported seeing a large, triangular-shaped object with bright lights hovering over the city. The object was observed by several people, including police officers, and was described as moving slowly and silently before disappearing.
  27. Falkville Metal Man (October 17, 1973)
    Police Chief Jeff Greenhaw of Falkville, Alabama, claimed to have encountered and photographed a metallic, humanoid figure. The incident occurred after receiving a call about a UFO landing.
  28. The Frederick Valentich Disappearance (October 21, 1973)
    Although this incident from Bass Strait, Australia, is more famously associated with 1978, it’s worth noting that there were similar, less-publicized UFO sightings reported in Australia during October 1973. These sightings, although not as well-documented, could be seen as precursors to the Valentich case.
  29. The Greenhaw Incident (October 16, 1973)
    Fort Worth, Texas, a family reported seeing a bright light in the sky that appeared to land in a nearby field. Upon investigating, they saw a large, disk-shaped object with a dome on top. The object reportedly emitted a low humming noise and took off rapidly when approached.
  30. The Temple, Oklahoma Encounter (November 1973)
    A farmer in Temple, Oklahoma claimed to have encountered a large, hovering object while working in his field. The object reportedly emitted a high-pitched sound and caused his tractor’s engine to stall. The farmer also reported seeing small, humanoid figures near the object before it quickly departed.
  31. The Naples, Texas Sighting (November 1973)
    A local farmer reported seeing a large, circular object with bright lights hovering over his property. He described the object as being silent and moving slowly across the sky before disappearing. This sighting was one of several reported in the area around the same time.
  32. The Malmstrom AFB Incident (November 1973)
    Security personnel at the Malmstrom Air Force Base in Montana reported seeing a large, glowing object hovering near the base’s missile silos. The object reportedly caused electronic malfunctions in some of the silos. The incident was allegedly investigated by the Air Force, but details remain classified.
  33. The Lamar, Colorado UFO Encounter (December 1973)
    A truck driver in Lamar, Colorado reported seeing a large, disk-shaped object with bright lights while driving on a remote highway. The object reportedly hovered above his truck, causing electrical interference and making his radio malfunction. The driver claimed the object followed him for several miles before disappearing.
  34. Berwyn Mountain Incident (January 23, 1974)
    Although technically occurring in early 1974, this incident is often associated with the 1973 UFO wave. Residents of Llandrillo, Wales, reported seeing strange lights and feeling earth tremors, leading to speculation about a crashed UFO.

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